Friday, February 28, 2014

What Are Your Goals This Month? Blogging Challenge 3/1/14

I must confess -- I stink at setting goals. So one of my goals for this month (and the whole rest of the year) is to SET GOALS. Prioritize. Organize. Itemize. Analyze. Conceptualize. Scrutinize.

You get the idea.

So this month I plan to (in no particular order):

Write, write, write.
Research a little bit every day to work on an idea I have for a book.
Practice my ukulele every day.
Do a little good old fashioned spring cleaning. By "little" I mean "A LOT."
Lose weight.
Visit with friends.
Be the best wife and mom I possibly can be.
Paint the bathroom.
Create recipes rather than follow them.
Be and dress and think more girly/womanly/prettily.
Go to church.
Get out of bed a little earlier.
Observe Lent.
Stand by the ocean and feel small.
Savor the "little moments" with my family.

I look at this list and think it's a pretty tall order. Mercy. But these are not things I have to do. I want to do them. I am not stressed about meeting these goals. I have peace. I will do my very best. I know that I am enough.
And so it is. 


  1. Oh I just love this post. And you are enough, and I believe you know that, which is wonderful and refreshing.
    I want to get my trio into some new rooms, stay calm when parenting my teen, even though common sense says to FREAK OUT, be loving to my people, cherish my husband, cherish my life, sing.......

    1. I love your goals, Tracy. My "mad parenting skillz" often tell me to FREAK OUT too, and my oldest is only ten ;) I can tell your life is beautiful, and I know you're going to meet all your own expectations.
